Get in touch with us

We will be happy to answer your telephone inquiries from 9:00 to 16:00 on weekdays.

You can also contact us by email at


Useful Information

Local time: CET (GMT + 1); daylight saving time is applied from March to November (GMT + 2)

Currency: Euro Other currencies can be exchanged in most banks and exchange offices.

ATMs and credit cards: There are many ATMs in the city and credit cards such as VISA, MAESTRO, MASTER CARD are accepted almost everywhere.

Power supply: Standard 220V, 50Hz, power plugs and sockets are used in Slovakia. An adaptor for the European standard round two-pin sockets may be required.

Wi-Fi: Bratislava provides almost five thousand Wi-Fi networks to which everyone can connect. The best coverage is in the city centre. Free Wi-Fi networks can also be found in the squares, waterfronts, various pubs, or buses of the local public transport.

Health care: Urgent health care and institutional emergency service is provided by the hospital Nemocnica sv. Michala, Satinského 1, Bratislava, tel: +421 2 3261 1111.

Loss and theft claims: In case of loss or theft of personal property, please contact the relevant local police department. For more information call: 112

Foreign embassies and consulates:, Media Guide

Useful Phone Numbers

  • International dialling code for Slovakia +421
  • Dialling code for Bratislava 02
  • Fire service, ambulance, police 112
  • Emergency service for motorists 18 128, 18 154
  • Information assistant – information 24/7 12 111
  • Stella Service – information for motorists *75

Mobile phone companies:

Tourist Information Centre

Address: Klobučnícka 2, 811 01 Bratislava
Contact: +421 2 16 186, +421 2 5441 9410 (Mon ‒ Fri 9:00 ‒ 16:30)
+421 2 5935 6651 (Mon ‒ Fri after 16:30, at weekends) (Mon ‒ Fri 8:00 ‒ 16:30)
Opening hours:
April ‒ October: Mon ‒ Sun  9:00 ‒ 19:00
November ‒ March: Mon ‒ Sun 9:00 ‒ 18.00

Services: tourist information, city tours, Bratislava City Card, accommodation.

Bratislava City Card

This card offers its holder free unlimited travel on public transport within the city, free guided walking tour of the historical city centre and further discounts up to 50% for selected museums, galleries, restaurants, shops and on other leisure activities.

Where to buy The Card can be purchased in the Bratislava Tourist Board’s tourist information centres, at the customer centres of the central railway and bus stations, at selected hotels and partners labelled with a sticker.

Validity and prices

  • 1-day BCC: €12
  • 2-day BCC: €14
  • 3-day BCC: €16

City Tours & Excursions

  • Tourist Information Centre, Klobučnícka 2 +421 2 5443 4059, +421 2 5935 6651,
  • Offer: daily guided walking tours for individual visitors at 2 p.m., tailormade cultural, themed and incentive tours in the city and its surroundings. For more information please visit:
  • Slovak Tourist Guide Association: Official freelance tourist guides in Slovakia.
  • Tourist vehicle tours

Prešporáčik Oldtimer, +421 903 302 817,

Blaváčik City Train, +421 2 5263 5697,