The activity of the Mikuláš Galand Group on the domestic and foreign art scene was an important process in the formation of modern Slovak visual art. The work of these authors is exhibited in a permanent exhibition by Galéria Nedbalka.
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The activity of the Mikuláš Galand Group on the domestic and foreign art scene was an important process in the formation of modern Slovak visual art. The work of these authors is exhibited in a permanent exhibition by Galéria Nedbalka.
Make yourself comfortable and choose from over 11 000 books that you can browse in a pleasant environment designed for studying, relaxation and cultural and social events
Slovak design and applied art of the 20th century have a key place in the SNG collections, primarily in an author’s and solitary position. Pairs or trios of artifacts are allowed by the curators to converse in harmony and tension, peace and ambivalence
A radiant world of fairy tales for the first time in Slovakia! Embark on a magical journey into the realm of lights, adventure, and fun in the largest light park in Europe.
The popular summer multi-genre city festival in the Bratislava area is taking place for the 50th time and it will be full of music, literature, movement and much more.
The Pre-Christmas time in Bratislava is inseparably connected with illuminated streets, Christmas trees or stalls full of goodies and handicrafts.