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Armáda v povstaní Exhibition (Army during Uprising)

In collaboration with the Slovak National Uprising Museum and the Military Historical Institute, the Slovak National Museum prepared an exhibition project called Army in Uprising – 1944 Slovak National Uprising.

The exhibition project is thematically divided into several units, documenting the preparation for the uprising, the creation of the illegal Army HQ, of the rebel 1st Czechoslovak Army in Slovakia and its structure. Other exhibition units focus on the individual tactical groups of the 1st Czechoslovak Army in Slovakia and its army units, participation of the 1st Czechoslovak Fighter Wing in USSR and the 2nd Czechoslovak Independent Parachute Troops in USSR to defend the rebel area, on the rebel movement, foreign aid, as well as the demise of the rebel army.

The exhibition is accompanied by an interactive part where the visitors will learn facts such as the story of tank 313 (LT tank, model 38), simulation of the commander table, will be able to create their army document of a rebel army member, a so-called “golianka”, and watch documentary movies in a multimedia kiosk.

Venue: Main building on Vajanského nábrežie