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Eternal Flame

In the painting installation Eternal Fire, Filip Sabol works with the symbol of fire as the source of light and with the symbol of light as the source of knowledge

The Light represents the Wisdom that illuminates the darkness of ignorance and fills the existential void. Each of us got a small spark at the beginning and it is up to us whether we start a big fire from it and spread the Light here and now or just let it go out…

The exhibition also includes the creation of works in cooperation with the association [DIZIZIT], which is a newly operating house for all creative people, artists and art lovers. Too strong a flame of knowledge can burn a person, so they prepared objects for this purpose.

The author, born in 1989, considers artistic expression as a way of cultivating man, his environment and the world in general. It works mainly with the medium of painting in its various positions and overlaps, from a hanging image through a large-format wall painting in a public space, to site-specific installations.