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In Life

Photography collection of Barbora Bačová and Štěpán Grygar current works is a Slovak-Czech photodialogue

The photographs of this exhibition available in Gallery Profil from February 23 to March 30 were taken in the years 2018 – 2021, mainly during trips for art abroad as part of the studies at the Photography Studio at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, where Štěpán Grygar currently works as an educator. Barbora Bačová is a recent graduate of the mentioned master‘s degree programme (2021).

With this Czech-Slovak project, the curious joy of being, of looking, seeps through. The joy that ontological issues solve in the morning by biting into juicy cherries, after lunch with good coffee and in the evening with champagne. It combines fragility, spontaneity and “order”.

Freed from “serious gear”, a compact camera (Grygar) and a mobile phone (Bačová) are enough for them to immediately record the imaginative magic, occasionally even a moment of performance.

Although these are mostly photographs from the author‘s travels and returns to the east coast of Slovakia, they do not communicate with us through travel documentary photography. Rather, the distinctive sensuality of individual moments, two perspectives, penetrates us. Or, actually three perspectives. Her view, his view and his view on her.

Without the need to define whether a woman and a man use the camera differently or focus on other objects in the same space, they oscillate between the poetization and geometrization of mundaneness.
