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Textile Medium | The Coexistence of Two Worlds

Two textile positions that reflect this medium in its diametrically opposed possibilities

This is how could be briefly described the content of the exhibition in the ÚĽUV Design Studio. Two graduates of the Textile Studio present their work in the premises of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava.

Júlia Jurinová presents the results of her doctoral project Textile Object and its Intermediate Overlaps. He’s drowning his eyes in the future, in new technologies. It indicates several paths of digitised processes in textile production. One of them is her collection of textile objects, which approximates digital fabrication using 3D printing on textile material.

Jurinová evaluates here the visual possibilities of active fabric, its ability to self-assemble into three-dimensional compositions. An interesting part of her presented works is the taffeta carpet Vector Fields, which is the result of a generative design process. It also presents a wearable interactive object Distance – Dissonance with electronic sensors and other projects. Its research seeks to find not only new aesthetic starting points, but above all specific solutions to the environmental crisis through digital tools, technologies and creation processes.


Diana Bilichenko presents her master’s thesis, by which she turns to the past. The author comes from Ukraine and in her work reflects the relationship to her national culture and nature. It seeks a connection with what has shaped our perception, aesthetics or experience since ancient times. She understands the return to the roots literally. By controlled cultivation, it subordinates nature and creates structures from roots that overgrow textile fragments.

Textiles are made using various historical techniques, such as sticking, embroidery and weaving. At the same time, they carry magical symbols from ancient times. Bilichenko deliberately enhances the gradual destruction process of exclusively natural materials. With his fragile work, he points to the elusiveness of habits, human existence, memory, art. It forces us to reflect and rethink our own values.
