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The Day of Open Ateliers 2019

On Saturday, October 19, 2019 from 10.00 to 21.00, there is an extraordinary opportunity for all of you – art lovers, amateur creators and curious people to enter the door, behind which beauty is created. Forty-two artists from twenty-eight studios and two accompanying exhibitions within the Bratislava Region will open their ateliers in Rohožník, Stupava, Bratislava, Bratislava – Vajnory, Ivanka pri Dunaji, Chorvátsky Grob, Svätý Jur, Limbach, Pezinok, Viničné, Vinosady,  Budmerice.

  • Where to find open studios?

Many of the first indications leading to the studios you have found in the Catalog of Salon of Artists 2019 under the logo of the “DOA” event. However, the range of artists who will open their studios this year is much wider and you can find out the information about them on the website of the Small Carpathian Cultural Center:

Printed maps can be found in information offices:

  • Pezinok – Municipal Information Center, M. r. Štefánika 1, Old Town Hall
  • Svätý Jur – Information center and art gallery, Prostredná 64
  • Modra – Tourist and Information Center, Štúrova 59
  • Bratislava – Tourist Information Center, Klobučnícka 2
  • Stupava – Municipal Cultural and Information Center, Agátová 9

Together with your family or friends, explore the DOA map and decide which places are most interesting for you. Maybe you can wake up a bit earlier on Saturday morning just to make your way through the ateliers as long as possible and to reach as many artists as possible from 10 am to 9 pm. The studios will be marked with an information board and a painter’s palette with the studio number. You can pick up a printed map from the first studio you visit.

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