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Urban Market – Winter Edition

Urban Market is a unique, cultural and social event that combines a lively design market of contemporary artistic and creative creations, a presentation of locally produced professional fashion, design and art, as well as a varied accompanying programme, creative activities and creative people from different sectors of the arts in one place at one time. As part of the December edition, we will explore and discover a new place together, this time the iconic building of the New Market Hall on the Trnavské mýto Square.

You can look forward to a traditionally curated sales showcase of local independent fashion, design and art, complemented throughout the weekend by the Urban Food Park and plenty of accompanying programmes for children and adults.

The New Market Hall was built because the Old Market Hall lost its original function after the war – for many years it was used by television. The new building grew up near the former central market, which had a long tradition. In the architect Ivan Matušík’s ideas, which were reflected in the project, streets, arcades and galleries were embedded. He designed a progressive structural system that gave the building a distinctive character. The main idea was to create an object in the form of a glass container with exposed air ducts. The all-glass envelope brought the bustling life of the market to the exterior.

The structure of the market hall is made up of a massive reinforced concrete skeleton, in which two blocks with sales and service areas on the ground floor and first floor are embedded. There are accessible staircases at both ends of the building. The basement was a large grocery store, with the main space used for individual stalls selling vegetables, fruit and other goods.

Topic of the edition: Diversity

We live in a world of diversity – we see it in nature, and in cultural society. It has always been with us. It is a heritage that we carry with us and pass on to the next generation. It is ingrained in us and it is exciting to explore it. Diversity opens the door to creativity, encourages collaboration, new ideas and innovation. It is an endless inspiration that pushes us and makes this world a better place.

Since its inception, Urban Market has been a celebration of diversity. Over the past 14 years, we have showcased hundreds of designers – each and every one of them different in some way. Whether it be in personality or in the form of their work. But one thing they had in common. Thanks to their otherness and their different world view, they created a unique local design.

The world is a colourful place, and diversity plays a vital role in it – it affirms our uniqueness. For the winter edition, we would like to highlight its importance. Let us not turn a blind eye to it, let us not fight against it, let us show together that it is necessary and indispensable. Because if we do decide to fight it, we will only be fighting against ourselves.