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Ausstellung von Juraj und Matej Krén „Bücher, Gemälde“

The exhibition of three works by Matej Krén at Pálffy Palace GMB forms a comprehensive unit which also penetrates the whole building and its functioning. The installation of an ‚elevator shaft and elevator‘, the creation of a ‚cinema hall‘, the establishment of a ‚depository‘ and a ‚landfill‘ not only mess with the architecture of the building, but also make a great works of art.
The pieces are also closely interconnected thanks to one common object – a book. A book is not only seen as a classic text medium, but also as a tool for grasping the vast changes that our post-industrial society is experiencing as it is entering the information era.

The exhibition by Juraj Krén is not only a reminder of the 50th anniversary of his death, but also of the importance of this almost forgotten author. Due to his late finishing of his secondary education caused by World War II and his early death, his work was limited to less than 13 years. Nevertheless, he created an extensive conceptual work with a specific artistic handwriting. He absorbed the most up-to-date impulses of contemporary world art, but also relied on Slovak folk art, which, like that of Ľudovít Fulla, was transformed into a distinctive piece of art.