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Bounce: Paul Mond + Otec Mirec + more

Bounce is Šafko’s resident club night brand, curated by the duo Maikl Knight and daniu. It’s built around DJ sets of groovy genres from around the world, which are irregularly complemented by live performances from guest artists both local and international.

The fifth edition of Bounce will be graced with the presence of a name from the future bounce scene – Paul Mond. This German native has played on several continents and has millions of listens to his edits on Spotify and SoundCloud to his credit alongside his original work. His shows are energetic, fast-paced and danceable. Support will be provided by stalwarts of the Bratislava scene – Otec Mirec and event curators Maikl Knight and daniu.

Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung wurden vom Portal GoOut.sk bereitgestellt.
