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Einkaufen in der Alten Markthalle hat Stil. Kommt und seht selbst
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STARMUS – Das weltweit größte Festival für Wissenschaft, Musik und andere Künste

Das prestigeträchtige STARMUS-Festival ist eine Idee des Astrophysikers Garik Israelian, PhD, und des Queen-Gitarristen Brian May,…
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Neues Drama

Das Nová dráma/Neues Drama-Festival wurde zu einer Zeit ins Leben gerufen, als Europa von der Welle…
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Nacht der Museen und Galerien in Bratislava

Entdecken Sie die verborgenen Schätze der Museen und Galerien von Bratislava. Für nur einen Tag pro…
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Romantische Geschmäcker von Mai

Mai ist die Zeit der Liebe. Und wo könnte man ein romantisches Abendessen besser erleben als…
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The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…


Danubius-Fischverkostung auf dem Boot

Dieses Abendessen ist ein Genuss für Fischliebhaber. Probieren Sie Fisch und typische slowakische Gerichte, zubereitet auf höchstem Niveau.

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…


The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…