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Let’s Talk Jindřich Chalupecký!

The February guided tour in English will be dedicated to the exhibition The Worlds of Jindřich Chalupecký.

The exhibition about the life and work of theoretician, critic, curator and essayist Jindřich Chalupecký brings the message of thought of this still living personality of Czech culture closer. The aim of the exhibition is to point out the role that the theoretician and curator can play in society – his unique ability to connect different personalities, places and areas of interest.

One Thursday evening a month is dedicated to foreign visitors and foreign-speaking residents of Bratislava and its surroundings, but also to all those who like the English language. During it, the GMB lecturer will guide them through the current exhibitions and expositions of the GMB.

Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung wurden vom Portal GoOut.sk bereitgestellt.
