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Love is on the air: Bratislava Live

Love is on the air is a Czecho-Slovak podcast about love, relationships, sex and the troubles that test relationships.

The fans have been waiting for several years and now they got it. The summer mini tour of the Love is on the air podcast is here. Nikita and Vítek, a pair of presenters who are not afraid to make „Spaß“ a little on the edge, but always on the right side. In addition to taboo topics, they are not afraid to go on tour just a few days after the birth of their first child.

  • What visitors can expect: Nikita and Vítet, jokes, interesting information.
  • What Nikita and Vítek are preparing and hope to accomplish: signature drinks, guests and merch.

Informationen zu dieser Veranstaltung wurden vom Portal GoOut.sk bereitgestellt.
