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Avers – Revers or Nothing is as it seems to be

Milan Bočkay is the creator of the analytical painting program based on the principle of visual illusion (trompe l’oeil) and a member of the artistic avance retard association

His paintings do not imitate, but reconstruct. They show not only what is seen, but also what is near or badly seen. For years he played with the blurring of the boundaries between reality and illusion, banal and noble, high and low.

Later, new layers and new meanings began to appear in the paintings. Images similar to palimpsestes were created – text on parchment, from which older, often much more valuable entries were scraped out and replaced with new, more meaningless texts.

In Bočkay’s paintings, nothing comes from foreign sources, everything is hand-painted. Frame, canvas, base, which were mostly quotations of old masters, the back of the painting. Even the flaws in the material.
