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Slovak Food Festival

Every year, the city’s biggest picnic is held at the Bratislava Castle where visitors can try a variety of dishes, watch gastronomy shows, join the competitions or educate themselves on a healthy lifestyle.

The main topic is “food waste”. Food waste is the main topic of the cooking zone where renowned chefs will show how easy it is to use up all leftovers from the kitchen, larder or garden. We also prepared the education zone “I like food, I do not waste it” where visitors can learn many useful information in an open discussion with “zero waste” supporters and eco-bloggers. In addition, visitors will get a chance to get familiar with the app Hungry Slovak which creatively combats food waste in Slovak restaurants and saves not only the planet but also our wallets. We believe that at the Slovak Food Festival 2018 we can prove it is not hard to combine food passion and eco-friendly behavior.

The Slovak Food Festival is worth to see, taste and come back again, because picnic at the castle is really exceptional!


/Bratislava Castle/
