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Bratislava Hot Serenaders

The Bratislava Hot Serenaders orchestra is one of the few specialized musical ensembles in Slovakia. Its internal composition has been almost unchanged since its founding in 1992 and eighteen enthusiasts meet regularly in their free time without a single break. What holds them in these dismal times to any min0r musical genre to this degree?

In the first place, it is the love towards music to which they devote all their free time. The music came from America to Europe in the late 1920’s and it is called Hot Jazz, or Sweet and Dance Music. Due to the fact that in the 1920’s the gramophone business had already exploded in America, B.H.S. members are passionate collectors of old authentic recordings based on which they write note-for-note arrangements up to the early/late morning hours. Then they rehearse them in authentic suits with brilliantine on their heads in front of one microphone and they perform the music on authentic musical instruments, rejoicing more and more outrageously before a devoted community of listeners.

Date: 28.2.2016 at 19:00 pm
Venue: Spoločenský Dom NIVY, Bratislava
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