Generation Z: The Unwanted Neighbour in English
The tolerance project GENERATION Z is aimed primarily at young viewers. Who influences them and how? Is social media their Holy Bible? Do they live more virtually than in reality?
Are they lost in the real world because they think they can´t change anything? Do we understand them? And do they understand themselves? Those who don’t ask, don’t get answers. However, asking the right question is difficult, just like listening. A divided world is challenging for everyone. Will Generation Z bring us together?
One of the plays of the four theatre plays cycle Generation Z: The Unwanted Neighbour poses the question, who is the worst neighbor? Roma, liberal or gay?
Home is a place to preserve traditions. The youth in the rural areas of the country is much more traditional than its urban peers. 63% of the GEN Z generation do not want to live next to people of color, 63% next to liberals, 60% next to LGBTI people. More than a half wouldn´t want to share neighborhood with foreigners, migrants, refugees, Jews, and Muslims. Mentally or physically handicapped neighbor also presents a problem for the young people living in the city. Both groups tend to favour anti-democratic and populist parties.