Good Market on Panenská street
The most significant community event in Bratislava, where not only locals are welcome, but also inhabitants of other city districts, visitors, tourists, refugees. Alongside stalls with quality food, original design, books, accessories and clothes, the Good Market offers many experiences – surprising art installations, exceptional concerts, workshops for children and adults, meetings with friends and interesting people. The theme of the market is “Transformation”
You will also see the transformation live in the newly renovated building of the Miloš Ruppeldt Primary Art School (ZUŠ), whose beautiful premises will be open for viewing during the day along with the pupils’ programme.
Get to know Georgievits Palace on Panenská Street, where young and old musicians will develop their talents. The restored national cultural monument will be inaugurated at the Good Market: in the afternoon, Korben Dallas, Andrea Bučko, Mária Kmet’ková, and Jozef Lupták will give concerts. The concert of the ZUŠ, performed by small and large artists, accompanied by a choir and orchestra, will take place in the courtyard of the palace from 11:00. For children there will be an interactive music workshop by the multimedia artist Jan Šicko.
See the full programme and schedule for the opening ceremony of the House of Music. (In English)
The new cultural centre Staré Lýceum, which opened in December, also offers a rich programme: exhibitions, workshops, video projections, film screenings, discussions, children’s theatre, fashion shows and concerts await you.
[fjúžn] is a multi-genre festival that brings atmosphere from all over the world and gives space to get to know foreigners and foreign women living in our country. At the Good Market it settles in Svoradova Park – it brings concerts, workshops, dance performances, theatre for children. Check out the full programme and schedule of the [fjúžn] zone. (In English)
The bookstore Artforum, the Goethe-Institut, the Austrian Cultural Forum, Next Apache, the Academy of Performing Arts, and the Old Town Library will also be involved in the Good Market activities.
You can also look forward to Cyklopoint, which will include the BANM bike workshop, the Cyklokuchyňa, an exhibition of drawers with mental disabilities from Hento Toto, as well as the Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted of Slovakia, with whom you can try out what it is like to be blind for a while. The CTZN Zone will feature a public launch of the CTZN magazine about cities and people or a discussion with the Mayor of Bratislava Matúš Vallo and urban planning expert Janette Sadik-Khan. You will be able to sit in the TESCO community alley, which will be transformed into a place full of friendly meetings.
See the full Good Market programme and timetable
You can go to the Good Market without planning a programme – if you go to Panenská, Konventná, Svoradova or Kozia streets on Saturday between 10 am and 5 pm, you will find interesting events for kids and adults, stalls with handicrafts and food, and lots of positive, friendly people.