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Valentine’s Day Tasting Dinner

Intimate spaces in a luxurious place for an evening spent as a couple, add the right twist to an excellent Valentine’s meal.

The French restaurant in Hotel Devín is one of Bratislava’s classics. During Valentine’s Day, you can enjoy a special menu:

  • Amus bouche: Bougie au beurre de lavande, mini croissant / Lavender butter candle, mini croissant
  • Appetizer: Terrine de lapin au foie gras, mayonnaise à la truffe, perles de truffe, baguette / Rabbit terrine with foie gras, truffle mayonnaise, truffle pearls, baguette
  • Main course: Pavé de veau aux moules de Saint-Jacques, sauce mousseline au romarin, gratin et purée de patate douce violette
  • Dessert: Paris-Brest à la creme de fruits des bous / Paris-Brest with forest fruit cream

The price of dinner for 1 person is €89 and it is necessary to make a reservation in the French restaurant in advance.