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Bratislava Automobile Factory

STM-Museum of Transport in Bratislava on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of BAZ (Bratislavské automobilové závody – Bratislava Automobile Factory) prepared a thematic exhibition associated with the re-installation of a permanent exhibition of cars developed and manufactured in Bratislava. The exhibition introduces visitors to the most important projects carried out in this car plant, or carried out by its precursors.

Among the exhibited vehicles, visitors will find interesting minibuses Tatra 603 MB or BAZ MNA 900, the first mass-produced car in BAZ Škoda Garde, which is also the first mass-produced car in Slovakia in the period after the World War II, and several other unique pieces which are not to be found in other museums. In addition to functional samples and prototypes of vehicles from the collections of the STM-Museum of Transport, visitors will also look forward to original models or models originating the process of developing new cars, as well as many other documents and objects associated with this, nowadays defunct car plant

The exhibition will be open at the Museum of Transport in Bratislava on Šancova Street during the museum’ s opening hours from October 28, 2021 and will last until August 31, 2022. Spatially and thematically, it follows up on the ongoing exhibition called Volkswagen “made in Slovakia” for 30 years. , which, together with Volkswagen in Slovakia, commemorates the history of car production in Devínska Nová Ves, in the premises it took over from the Bratislava Automobile Factory.