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Bratislava City Days Sightseeing Tours

Get to know Bratislava through the eyes of those who know the most about it. Anyone who likes exploring will appreciate a tour of one of the most beautiful towns in Slovakia

The Bratislava Tourist Board invites you to a series of thematic sightseeing tours given in Slovak as well as English, Ukrainian and Italian. These tours let you learn interesting things about the capital’s history and reveal the best that Bratislava has to offer. A complete list of sightseeing tours along with detailed information and times can be found below.

Bratislava Welcomes Everyone

Do you know what Bratislava was called in the past, when it became a city, what precious treasures the Primate’s Palace hides and why the tower of the Cathedral of St. Martina with a crown instead of a cross? You will learn all this and much more during our walking tour of the historic city center.

Date & time: April 20 from 2 p.m. to 3:30/4:00 p.m.
Meeting point: Primacial Square – by the well
Language: English
Admission: free of charge
Guide: Katarína Schvarcová


Bratislava presents itself – An activity aimed at visitors to the city and expats living in Bratislava
Do you know what Bratislava was called in the past, when it became a city, what rare treasures the Primatial Palace hides, and why there is a crown instead of a cross on the tower of St. Martin’s Cathedral?
Pressburg was a city of merchants, craftsmen, priests, and soldiers, but life didn’t just revolve around work, markets, and defending the city. You will learn about life in the city during medieval times and more recent history during our walking tour of the historic city center.
Date & time: April 21 from 3:00 p.m to 4:30/5:00 p.m.
Meeting point: Primacial Square – by the well
Language: English
Admission: free of charge
Guide: Juraj Poláček


Братислава приймає всіх

Чи знаєте ви, як Братислава називалася в минулому, коли вона стала містом, які дорогоцінні скарби приховує Палац Примаса і чому вежа собору св. Мартина з короною замість хреста? Про все це та багато іншого ви дізнаєтеся під час нашої пішохідної екскурсії історичним центром міста.

дата і час: 20 квітня 14:00 – 15:30/16:00
місце зустрічі: Біля криниці на Первинній площі
Lanмова: українська
вхід: безкоштовно
Туристичний гід: Halyna Holinková

If the capacity is full, please choose from the other options. We are looking forward to seeing you!