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More tips
The collection of contemporary art since the second half of the 20th century presents works of prominent artists who were crucial in determining the nature of artistic development in Slovakia.
More than 2000 years ago there was a Celtic city, so-called oppidum, on the place of present day Bratislava. It used to be three times bigger than later medieval town
Make yourself comfortable and choose from over 11 000 books that you can browse in a pleasant environment designed for studying, relaxation and cultural and social events
Discover the most precious sacred paintings and sculptures from the Gothic and Baroque eras in the Slovak National Gallery’s collections, complemented with icons and paintings from European art of the 16th to the 19th century
Its main part was made up by antipictures, in which Koller was coming into terms with the conceptual art and the climate of the times
The Modern tells the story of visual art in Slovakia in the first half of the 20th century
In the past, the Danubeland was inhabited by many peoples and ethnicities, which over the past 1500 years have left their mark on the land
Slovak design and applied art of the 20th century have a key place in the SNG collections, primarily in an author’s and solitary position. Pairs or trios of artifacts are allowed by the curators to converse in harmony and tension, peace and ambivalence
Contemporary art museum presents male and female artists, the latest trends, and current cultural, social, and artistic expressions that are constantly evolving
The Slovak National Gallery is dedicating a double exhibition to “its” architect Vladimír Dedeček (1929 – 2020), creator of great concepts and almost a hundred realisations, an important co-author of the architectural form of modern Slovakia. Dedeček was also the architect of the recently renovated Slovak National Gallery building on the embankment.
A radiant world of fairy tales for the first time in Slovakia! Embark on a magical journey into the realm of lights, adventure, and fun in the largest light park in Europe.
A unique exhibition by one of the most acclaimed artists in contemporary global glass art, presented on the occasion of his 80th birthday, is coming directly to Bratislava Castle.
Discover fascinating documents, photographs, and personal testimonies that take you back in time to the 1980s. A time when Slovaks and Czechs stood up against the totalitarian regime.