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Events: Other
If you like wild game or would like to taste it in different forms, you can treat yourself to it together with the experience of sailing on the Danube
Join more than a thousand swimmers and cross the beautiful Danube from one bank to another!
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Make yourself comfortable and choose from over 11 000 books that you can browse in a pleasant environment designed for studying, relaxation and cultural and social events
Maybe you know this cycling celebrating event from your home, come join the Bratislava edition
Sunday for the unit starts with brunch on the boat. Enjoy a sweet and savory breakfast or start straight away with lunch. The choice is yours, the offer is varied
The municipal forests have renewed the tradition of boating on the ponds at Železná studnička (The Iron Well). Until the end of October, every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 to 17:30 (last trip) on the “fourth pond”, which is the first behind the Partizánska lúka (Partisan Meadow).