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Events: Other
The second edition of Liquid Market Bratislava will bring you the ultimate cocktail experience. Come to the Nová Cvernovka for two days of craft cocktails and get to know the culture of drinking. Each ticket includes all of the consumed cocktails and tastings.
We like different wines in the heat than during the rest of the year. Therefore, at the tasting during July and August, we will enjoy a selection of wines of a lighter and more summery nature.
Enjoy local Bratislava wines at the city festival and come to celebrate St. Martin’s Day with us in the historic centre. In addition to good wine, you can look forward to a rich music programme, competitions, guided tours for the disadvantaged and a quiz on winemaking and good food.
The outdoor theater project intended for families with children introduces a personality linked to one of Bratislava’s most important monuments, the Cathedral of St. Martin