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Aupark shopping center is one of the top Bratislava destinations for stylish shopping and fun lovers. Offering popular…

Central is an easily reachable shopping center in the capital. Discover a variety of shops, cafes and a…

Exposition of Viticulture
The Museum of Viticulture is located on the ground floor of Apponyi House. The cultivation of vines and…

Nedbalka Gallery
The Nedbalka Gallery´s mission is to promote public understanding and enjoyment of art by the foremost artists working…

City history museum
The concept of the exposition held in the Old Town Hall concentrates on presentation of the history of…

Museum of Trade
Only three cities in Europe - Bratislava, Amsterdam and Budapest – can boast that they have museums with…

Natural Science Museum
The Natural Science Museum, focuses on the research, documentation and presentation of the natural environment, in particular within…

Archaeological Museum
The Arachaeological Museum is a branch with national influence and specializes in collecting, recording, restoring, preserving , presenting…

Café Studio
The building in which Café Studio is located has a very rich history. It was built in 1886…

Divoká voda Čunovo
With its equipment and furniture the Čunovo water sports complex meets the criteria of sports stadiums of the…

Red Stone Castle
Red Stone castle, named after the red colour of the quartzite on which was built, is situated nearby…

Sunny Lakes in Senec
How do you fancy Tahiti in Slovakia? Former gravel excavations in this area contributed to the formation of…

Grassalkovich Garden
In tbe Baroque era, in front of the gate to the city, a favorite of the empress, the…